Friday, June 26, 2009


There are certain laws which govern the process getting rich. Once these laws are learned and obeyed by any person, he will certainty get rich...
The possession of money and property comes as a result of doing things in a particular way. those who do things in this way whether on purpose or accidentally get rich; while those who do not do things in this Way, no matter how hard they work or how able they are will remain poor.
It is a well known natural law that like causes always produces like effects and therefore a man or woman who learns to do things in this way will without fail get rich.
Getting rich is not a matter of environment. Everywhere we see rich and poor living side by side, in the same environment, and often engaged in the same vocations. When two men are in the same locality, and in the same business, and one gets rich while the other remains poor, it shows that getting rich is not, primarily, a matter of environment. Some environments may be more favorable than others, but when two men in the same business are in the same neighborhood, and one gets rich while the other fails, it indicates that getting rich is the result of something alse..
The trick is not due solely to the possession of talent, for many people who have great talent remain poor, while other who has very little talent gets rich.
A study of rich people shows that they are an average lot in all respects, having no greater talents and abilities than other men. It is evident that they do not get rich because they possess talents and abilities that other men have not, but because they happen to do things in a Certain Way.
Getting rich is not the result of saving or thrift. Many very stingy people are poor, while free spenders often get rich.
Nor is getting rich due to doing things which others fail to do, for two men in the same business often do almost exactly the same things, and one gets rich while the other remains poor or becomes bankrupt.
From the above facts we must come to conclusion that getting rich is the result of doing things in a Certain Way.
If getting rich is the result of doing things in a Certain Way, and if like causes always produce like effects, then any man or woman who can do things in that way can become rich, and the whole matter is brought within the domain of exact science.
The question arises here, whether this Certain Way may be so difficult that only a few may follow it. This cannot be true, as we have seen, so far as natural ability is concerned. Talented people get rich, and blockheads get rich, intellectually brilliant people get rich, and very stupid people get rich physically strong people get rich, and weak and sickly people get rich.
Some degree of ability to think and understand is, of course, essential; but in so far natural ability is concerned, any man or woman who has senses enough to read and understand these words can certainly get rich.
We have also seen that it is not a question of environment. Location counts as one would not go to the heart of the Sahara and expect to do successful business.
Getting rich involves dealing with people, and of being where there are people to deal with, and if these people are inclined to deal in the way you want to deal, so much the better. But that is about as far as environment goes.
If anybody else in your town can get rich, so can you; and if anybody else in your state can get rich, so can you.
It is not a matter of choosing some particular business or profession. People get rich in every business, and in every profession, while their next door neighbors in the same vocation remain in poverty.
It is true that you will do best in a business which you like, and which is congenial to you, and if you have certain talents which are well developed, you will do best in a business which calls for the exercise of those talents. You will also do best in a business which is suited to your locality.
Aside from these general limitations, getting rich is not dependent upon your engaging in some particular business, but upon your learning to do things in a Certain Way. If you are now in business, and anybody else in your locality is getting rich in the same business, while you are not getting rich, it is because you are not doing things in the same Way that the other person is doing them.
No one is prevented from getting rich by lack of capital. True, as you get capital the increase becomes more easy and rapid; but one who has capital is already rich, and does not need to consider how to become so. No matter how poor you may be, if you begin to do things in the Certain Way you will begin to get rich; and you will begin to have capital. The getting of capital is a part of the process of getting rich; and it is a part of the result which invariably follows the doing of things in the Certain Way. You may be the poorest man on the continent, and be deeply in debt; you may have neither friends, influence, nor resources; but if you begin to do things in this way, you must begin to get rich, for like causes must produce like effects. If you have no capital, you can get capital; if you are in the wrong business, you can get into the right business; if you are in the wrong location, you can go to the right location; and you can do so by beginning in your present business and in your present location to do things in the Certain Way which causes success

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